Thursday, June 30, 2016

No. 8

Date: June 30, 2016

Status: Reflecting on my classes

              Good evening. Good EVVVVVVVVEning. No, not Eve Laoshi. EVENING. 

              I'm an English teacher in China. And as much as I try to teach my own language (with those tricky Vs so absent in Chinese) and culture to my students, I end up learning quite a bit more about their culture and just how differently things can be interpreted here.
Candy and Andy are really into stickers.
              Today I thought I'd record some thoughts on this to benefit...someone. Perhaps you're aspiring to be an ESL teacher in China and are looking for a cultural heads up. Or maybe you're the parent of an ESL student, and you want to know how you can make your teacher's life a little bit less insane. Or maybe you're just a curious stranger. Who knows.